Friday 6 September 2013

live | sharing our passions

A couple of weeks ago, we heard news that someone had made one of our recipes.  This was so very exciting, and really made both of our days!

Rowena's sister Tracey made our Paneer Biryani and then, a few weeks later, our Oaty Raisin Cookies.  Then today, I logged onto facebook and she had made the Red Pepper and Cherry Tomato Filo Parcels. They look like they turned out great! Here are the pictures:

I can't tell you how amazing it is to see that something you're really excited about has brought a little bit of happiness to someone else.  Thank you Tracey!!

So, our homework for all of you is to share something you love with someone else.  Even if you think it's a bit quirky - tell someone about it - often, people are more interested than you think they're going to be.  If you help someone else feel as good as you do, then you've done something great.

Enjoy today!!
- rosinaviolets    x

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