Wednesday 1 January 2014

live | an assurance of love... from yourself

'From yourself?' I hear you ask. The answer is yes. Who else knows every memory, every thought you have, every dimension of you? The only person who knows these things is you, so really, doesn't that mean that the only person who could really make a judgement about you is you?

Take some time to think about that. You, and only you, are capable of judging you.  

I'm writing this post today because the beginning of a new year sees millions upon millions of us across the world taking the opportunity to make goals to better ourselves, in a list titled 'New Years' Resolutions'. Have you made yours yet? I wrote mine the other day and something struck me so directly that I felt the whole population on this earth should be struck with it too. 

And it's this. 

How are you ever going to start achieving and striving towards becoming an improved you, if you cannot find any good in yourself at all? You may tell me that if you're wishing to be better, you have obviously been searching for areas in yourself which are flawed or not how you want to be. And certainly you might be correct. But the way I see it, and the way I have observed in others and in myself, is that it is an absolute necessity for you to accept and love yourself in your current state in order for you to change yourself. And suddenly, once you feel happy in your own skin because you love it - you do change.

This is not about making yourself think that the bad things you have done or said or thought were not bad, because everyone does and says and thinks bad things to some degree and at some point in their lives. This is about accepting you for you, and learning to love yourself, because these bad things have given you the chance to change yourself. Every defect and flaw of your personality, your body, your situation in life, anything - has nourished you with the sustaining strength to make yourself a better person. Just think, all these 'bad' things, they can benefit you! All this time you were thinking they were bringing you nothing but pain and anger, and now they are going to bring you long lasting happiness!  They give you the strength to turn around, and manifest whatever you want.  

This is why dwelling over everything you hate about yourself gets you nowhere at all. Why would you tell yourself over and over that you hate yourself? Just try to think of one reason why this might be worthwhile.

That's right, there is none!

There is nothing whatsoever to be gained from telling yourself you are a horrible person. So, you said something really mean and wish you could take it back. Well, you did it, you can't change the past, it's already happened. It's been and done and that's it. What you can do, is think about now. What are you going to do now to make sure it doesn't happen again? Every time you do something you regret, ask yourself 'what is the point in this regretting?'. Once you realise that the answer is 'there is no point' every time, and you can be thankful the incident happened so you can make yourself better, you are making steps towards your goal. 

I hope that next time you reflect upon something you think is 'bad' that you have said or done, or hate yourself for a defect in your appearance, maybe it's while you are writing your New Years' Resolutions today - you will remember the one truth that's universally true, and the one thing that surpasses all judgement;

I am beautiful, I am the product of nobody's judgement but my own, and I love myself for everything I do, and everything that I am. 

There is no time like the present.

Enjoy today!!
sarah    x

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